Trading Post

March 14th 2025



For Sale: 26 HP Husqvarna, Zero Turn Mower with 54” Cut, GC, $800. Call…………336-877-0194



For Sale: GE Refrigerator, 28”x 30”x 67” runs good, has minor rust on the side, $65. Call




For Sale: Sway Bars for a Camper / Wanted: To buy a 20-30 ft. Tag-Along Camper. Call




For Sale: Monitor Heater with Oil Tank & Stand, has apx. 20 gallon of kerosene in tank, $500. For more info call………………………………………………………………………………………………336-886-3088


For Sale: 2005 GMC Truck, 4x4, $4500 obo / Wanted: To buy a truck lift, must be at least a 9,000 lb. lift. Call……………………………………………………………………………………………….336-620-4044


For Sale: New, Echo Handheld Blower & a Stihl Weed Eater, $300 for both. Call…336-977-0928



Wanted: To rent a 1-or 2 Bedroom Mobile Home or House in Ashe County. Call…336-977-2902



Wanted: To buy a 6x8 or 6x10 Utility Trailer. Call……………………………..………………..828-406-3387



For Rent: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Mobile Home on Deep Ford Rd. $800 mo. with $500 Deposit. Will be ready mid-March. Call………………………………………………………………………………....336-620-1720


For Sale: 11 hp, Self-Propelled Stump Grinder / Wanted: To buy a Ride on Mower & Tractor Scrape Blade. Leave message at……………………………………………………………..………….828-265-1859


For Sale: 2016, Garage Kept, Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide, currently has camo wrap, 7,500 miles, $10,000 obo. Call…………………………………………………………………………..828-434-0163


For Sale: 10K Gold, size 5 Wedding Band, can send pics. For info, call or text………336-977-6998


Trading Post

March 7th 2025



Wanted: To rent a 1 or 2 Bedroom Mobile Home or House in Ashe County. Call…336-977-2902



Wanted: To buy a 6x8 or 6x10 Utility Trailer. Call……………………………..………………..828-406-3387



For Rent: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Mobile Home on Deep Ford Rd. $800 mo. with $500 Deposit. Will be ready mid-March. Call………………………………………………………………………………....336-620-1720



For Sale: 11 hp, Self-Propelled Stump Grinder / Wanted: To buy a Ride on Mower & Tractor Scrape Blade. Leave message at……………………………………………………………..………….828-265-1859



For Sale: 2016, Garage Kept, Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide, currently has camo wrap, 7,500 miles, $10,000 obo. Call…………………………………………………………………………..828-434-0163



For Sale: 10K Gold, size 5 Wedding Band, can send pics. For info, call or text………336-977-6998



For Sale: Electric Organ / 8, Wrought Iron Chairs / Wanted: Young Pullets, or Chickens. Call …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………336-877-5254


For Sale: New, All-Weather Cover for a Hot Tub, $75 / Hand Truck, EC, $35 / Commercial Tile Saw, $40. Call……………………………………………………………………………………………..…….336-877-5665



For Sale: Rear-Tine Troy Bilt Pro-line Tiller with 6.75 hp engine, GC, $450 obo. Can send pics. Call …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………336-572-2288


Trading Post

February 3rd 2025



For Sale: Troy-Bilt Tiller, Electric Start, $350. Call………………………………….……………336-384-1914


For Sale: Towable Brush Chipper, will consider trade for a dump trailer / Wanted: To buy a used wood splitter / Wanted: To buy a 5/10 enclosed trailer. Call………………………828-265-1859

_____________________________________________________________________________For Sale: Touring Edition, 2022 Polaris Sportsman xp1000 four-wheeler, power steering, disc brakes, 370 miles, $8500. Call……………………………………………………………………………919-717-0177


For Sale: Electric Wheel Chair, barely used, with new battery & charger, must pick up $400 obo / White RCA Portable Dishwasher, EC, $150. Call……………………………………………….336-982-2024


For Sale: 4x7 ft. Hathaway Pool Table, like new, $300. Call………336-846-5000 or 336-977-9868

_____________________________________________________________________________For Sale: Billy, Fainting Goats. Call……………………………………………………….…………….336-489-1196

_____________________________________________________________________________For Sale: 2, Guitar Amps, GC. Call……………………………………………………………………...336-977-3856

_____________________________________________________________________________For Sale: Dyna Glo Kerosene Heater, EC, $100. Call……………………………………………336-620-3466


Wanted: Someone to do handyman odd jobs & move furniture. Call or text…….…828-390-1903



For Sale: Wagner Commercial Paint Sprayer, like new. Call………………………………..336-877-5665


For Sale: Dark Crew Electric E Bike / Addmotor Electric Trike / Orvis Fly Rod & Reel, new in box, hard case for rod. For info call……………………………………………………………………336-902-7488

_____________________________________________________________________________ For Sale: Contents of a 3-bedroom house: Furniture; Appliances & Vehicles. Call for pricing and information………………………………………………………………………………………………………336-877-6298


For Sale: Tractor Trailor Load of Drop Ceiling with everything to install, $4500 for the load. For info call…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….336-977-0336


For Rent: 1 Bedroom, I Bath Apartment, ready March 1st in Gated Community in Lansing. Unfurnished, New Appliances, Washer/Dryer & Flooring. Utilities included. Minimum 1-year agreement, $1800 month, no deposit. Call…………………………………………………………919-418-3119



336-846-WINS (9467)

Main Office Number - 336-846-WKSK (9575)


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