SkyLine Annual Membership Meeting Scheduled

SkyLine Annual Membership Meeting Scheduled


WEST JEFFERSON, N.C. SkyLine Membership Corporation’s 68th Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday morning, October 8, and again this year members will have one of two options to participate.


The 2024 Annual Meeting will be conducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 8, at SkyLine’s Annex facility near the corporate campus and will comprise a brief business session with reports from officers, election of directors, video presentation of scholarship winners and the announcement of door prizes.


To fulfill the requirements in establishing a quorum to proceed with the meeting and member participation in the election of directors, members may register early for the meeting by visiting their local SkyLine Customer Center the week of September 30 and receive related information, including the agenda, official ballot for the election of directors and the Annual Meeting Report. A voting station will be set up at each Customer Center location, where members may cast their ballots and drop them in secure ballot boxes. A video recording of the busi­ness session will be aired on SkyZhone Channels 1 and 1001 at 10 a.m. Thursday, October 10 and again at 10 a.m. Saturday, October 12. The business session also will be posted to SkyLine’s website ( on October 10.


Same-day registration for the meeting is sched­uled from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, October 8, at SkyLine’s Annex, located at 1056 N.C. Highway 194 North, in West Jefferson.


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The following SkyLine directors have been nominated for election to the board for a three-year term:  Jerry L. Roten (Ashe); Tommy Joe Ward (Watauga) and James L. Shepherd (Alleghany).


All members who register in advance or on the day of the meeting will receive a $15 bill credit as the member gift, a $10 voucher toward the purchase of a meal at any one of the designated restaurants in the co-op’s service area and will be entered into a drawing for one of six door prizes. Prizes will be announced at the close of the business session on October 8, and members do not have to be present to win.


Annual Meeting early registration will be conducted from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at all SkyLine Customer Service Centers, beginning Monday, Sep­tember 30 through Friday, October 4.  The five locations and their physical addresses are:

Alleghany County – 199 Grayson Street, Sparta, 28675;

Ashe County – West Jefferson Smart Home 1060 Mount Jefferson Road, West Jefferson, 28694;

Ashe County – West Jefferson Call Center 1079 NC Hwy. 194 North, West Jefferson, 28694;

Avery County – 20 High Country Square, Hwy. 184, Banner Elk, 28604;

Watauga County – 217 Wilson Drive, Boone, 28607.


Additionally, early registration for SkyLine’s Johnson County members will be scheduled from 2 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 2, at Shady Rock School in Shady Valley, Tennessee.


For more information, please contact your local SkyLine office at 118 or 1-800-759-2226.


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