High Country Council of Governments Recognizes Ashe County Folks
Ashe County took home big honors at the recent High-Country Council of Governments Banquet held in Boone this past Friday evening.
Ashe County Manager Adam Stumb was recognized as Outstanding Local Government Manager for his leadership and dedication. Since taking the role in 2018, Adam has overseen major projects, including the Industrial Park and Landfill expansions, the development of the new Paddy Mountain Park, and the public river access project on Highway 163. His work has driven progress in recreation, infrastructure, and environmental restoration across the county.
West Jefferson Mayor and Host of WKSK’s Hymn Time Program, Tom Hartman was named Outstanding High Country COG Executive Board Member. A longtime public servant and community advocate, Mayor Hartman has dedicated years to local government and even keeps the community entertained right here on The Farm!
And finally, Walter Clark received the George Masa Environmental Stewardship Award for his outstanding work in conservation. From leading Blue Ridge Conservancy to revitalizing a historic general store in Lansing, his efforts have left a lasting impact on Ashe County’s natural and cultural landscape.
It was a great night for Ashe County, and these awards highlight the incredible leadership and commitment to our community!