Watch out for Holiday Fraudsters

Donald Charles Bryant
December 11, 2023
Boone Police Arrest Fugitive Harrison Gilbert Jr.
December 12, 2023

Watch out for Holiday Fraudsters

Watch out for Holiday Fraudsters

Ashe County, NC- Sheriff B. Phil Howell would like to take a few moments to warn the public
about the threat of potential holiday scams.

Scams happen all year, and now that the Holiday Season is upon us, scams are ramping up in the
area. Scams happen in all shapes and sizes. It can be through charity, online shopping, social
media, and phone calls. We all need to investigate before clicking, answering, and purchasing.
Be cautious while scrolling on social media and online shopping. Scammers are tricky and can
make you think you’re getting a great deal on items for Christmas. We all see vendors using ads to
promote special deals. These are the ads you need to watch out for. You don’t want to click on
those ads because they are likely scammers. Do some investigating before clicking. If you see a
vendor’s ad offering a great deal, go directly to the vendor’s website and see if the ad matches the
website. Always order from a secure website and not a vendor ad.

Another technique scammers use is holiday promotions or contests. They may come from a
friend who has shared a link or survey. They use these tactics to get you to provide personal
information. Also, phone calls go out every day of someone pretending to be a family member in
trouble and requesting them to send money over the phone.

Please don’t fall victim to scams; here are a few tips to safeguard your money:
• Don’t answer calls from unknown numbers
• If someone claims to be a family member but sounds off, hang up and verify with other
family members or the member they are claiming to be
• Never give out personal information over the phone without verifying the caller’s identity
• Limit personal information on social media
• Avoid sketchy web addresses
• Don’t purchase on vendor ads
• Use your credit card NOT banking information/debit. You are more likely to get your money back on a credit card than if you used your banking information/debit.

If you feel like you have been a victim of a scam, please call your bank or credit card company
immediately. You may also contact the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office at 336-846-5600.