Local Updates

Click the phone numbers/emails in the listings below to place the call or message.

If you wish to volunteer please call the new Ashe County Volunteer Hotline at call (336) 740-9282.

Pam’s Unique Boutique is offering FREE Lady’s Shoes & Boots. All are size 8. If you have been affected by the storm and in need of footwear, go by Pam’s Unique downtown West Jefferson

The NEW Volunteer Opportunities Hotline is: 336-740-9282…..Needs Hotline: 336-846-5877

If any of the churches or other distribution centers are running low on supplies, call Donnie Elliott at 336-620-2322 or Brian Walton at 336-977-2401. They’ll find what you need and bring it to you

Ways to Donate: Ashe Food Pantry at ashefoodpantry.org click on disaster relief / Greater Lansing Area Development / Partnership of Ashe / Generations Ashe / Various Churches / Local Non-Profits

There is now a New FB Page called, “Ashe County Hurricane Helene Lost & Found.” This has been set up for anyone who has lost or found sentimental items due the storm, in hopes of getting them to the rightful owners. Everyone is encouraged to join

The Oddfellows are working with Downhome NC from the Lodge to supply Chainsaws, Shovels, & willing Hands wherever needed

If you can donate Generators to help those who are dependent on oxygen, call 919-302-4003 or 828-434-8888

WiFi / Charging Stations: Ashe Food Pantry; Ashe Chamber; Old Store Grassy Creek (porch loghts will be on 24/7 for WiFi accessibility; Jefferson & WJ UMC; First Baptist Church hotspot in the parking lot-password case sensitive WJFbcFree; Ashe Baptist Association; Arts Council; Oldhouse Goods; Ashe Co. Lobrary; Museum of Ashe Co. History; Mt. Jefferson Presbyterian Church; Todd FD; Ashe Alliance Church; Carolina West; Buffalo Tavern

Food: *North Beaver Baptist Church next to Dr. Pepper on Hwy. 163, has loads of Water, Gatorade, Food, Propane, & Clothes. Everyone is encouraged to go by and pick up what you need

Food: The Burley Tobacco Warehouse on the Backstreet has Supplies, Canned Food, Baby Items, formula, water, personal care & more

Food: Second Harvest Food Bank will serve Lunch at 11 & Supper @ 5pm daily at Family Central. Eat in, Pick Up or Delivery (if possible). All churches are invited to volunteer to serve, deliver or clean up each day. Bald Mtn. Church has Food, Baby Items, Cleaning Supplies & more. For info call 336-877-1550

Food: The WJ Church of Christ (behind the WJ Park) has Fruits, Canned Foods, Bread, Cereal, Water, Baby Products, personal Hygiene Products & more. They also have Cleaning Supply Buckets, Bleach, washing powder, wheel barrows, rakes, shovels, mops, brooms, hoes, Box Fans, Tarps, Pillows, Blankets & Sheets. They will be open Noon to 5pm daily this week

Red Cross is currently at Emergency Shelters set up at: First Christian Church in Mountain City at 401 West Maine / Holmes Convocation Center in Boone at 111 River Street / West Wilkes Middle School

Emergency Shelters: Ashe Co. High School

Westwood Elementary is offering Emergency Childcare for children (grades K-8) of emergency personnel from 7:30-5:30. For more info email [email protected]

Laundry: Laurel Springs FD has a mobile laundromat

Supply Hubs: All Elementary Schools; Fire Depts.; Churches in and around Jefferson & West Jefferson, Warrensville & Lansing; Ashe Food Pantry; Ashe Really Cares; Family Central; Just Wing It has Canned Food; Ashe Baptist Association; Steve Ashley’s Residence on Hardin Gilley Rd. in Warrensville; Ashe Co. Farm Bureau; Ashe Pregnancy Care Center; Jimmy & Jean’s Family Entertainment; Riverview CC has Water & Food; Randy Marion Ford & Chevrolet

Showers, Water, Lodging: Ashe Co. High School, Emergency Shelter / Jefferson UMC-Showers / Todd FD-Showers form 4-7pm each evening / Upper Mtn. Research Station-Showers / Buffalo Tavern, Limited Lodging, call Steve 828-278-7394 / Glendale Springs Inn & Rest. Showers 24/7, Limited Lodging, call 336-977-6192 / Lansing FD, (Potable Water, bring own containers) / Fleetwood FD (Potable Water, bring your own containers) / Cattle Market on Hwy. 16 Potable Water / Ashe Co. Arts Council, outside spigots for water refill / Shatley Springs, Water-bring containers

Food: Ashe Food Pantry is handing out bags of Snacks, Eggs, Bread, Gatorade, Water, Feminine Products, Paper Goods

Food: Midway Baptist Church (behind Walmart), has Food, Supplies & Pet Food. They are in need of Flashlights & Batteries, 5-Gallon EMPTY Gas cans for 4-wheelers delivering meals, Cleaning Supplies

Food: Westwood, Mountain View, Blue Ridge Elementary Schools are offering Food, Supplies, Water, Pet Food from 8-5, M-F

Food: West Jefferson UMC is offering Food, Cleaning Supplies and Water / They’re also collecting Water & Cleaning Supply Donations. They will be offering Hot Soup & Sandwiches at noon daily

Food: Alliance Church at 220 Lynch Colvard Rd. in Jefferson is open 9-7 Mon. thru Wednesday, with supplies, water, non-perishables, baby supplies, pet food restrooms and water to fill your container. They are also offering Gasoline. Call 336-246-2979

Disaster Unemployment: If you have become unemployed due to Helene, the DUA can provide temporary payments for people who, as a direct result of Hurricane Helene has become unemployed. The deadline to apply for these benefits, is Dec. 2nd. Apply by calling the DUA Hotline @ 919-629-3857

“Crisis Clean-Up” is a group of Churches to help with Clean Up from Natural disasters. If you need help call them at 1-844-965-1386

Samaritan’s Purse is stationed at Alliance Church. If you need trees cut down from your house, help removing mud and debris or cleanup of homes, call 1-833-747-1234 to place a work order and they will get help to you! If you are Renting, make sure the Owner calls so they can give permission to work on the property. Also, if you are willing to help, call 828-386-8667

Ashe Co. High School is the designated Shelter

Grants / Available Funding: Ashe Advantage Project Strength Meets Hope Grant; US Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance 1-800-659-2955 or sba.gov

Todd FD will hand out supplies from 4-9pm daily & open for showers from 4-7pm daily. For info call Mandy at 901-233-9187

Urgent Care Services (for when you need non-emergency prompt attention) are available at 261 Longvue Drive in Boone (across from Watauga Medical Center) from 10am -7pm, M-F and in the Baker Center at 436 Hospital Drive, Suite 230, Linville from 8am-5pm

The Volunteer Hotline is: 336-740-9282 / IF in need, that Hotline is: 336-846-5877

There will be Generators & Extension Cords available for anyone that is on oxygen and has No Power. For info call 828-406-0980

Need Internet?

Starlink Satellite Internet at several key locations across the county. These stations are now available to the public, providing essential internet access and communication services in areas with limited or no cellular coverage.

Installed Locations:

Pond Mountain Volunteer Fire Department


Password: Emergency

Lansing Volunteer Fire Department

SSID: LansingFD

Password: Emergency

Warrensville Volunteer Fire Department

SSID: WarrensvilleFD

Password: Emergency

Glendale Springs Volunteer Fire Department

SSID: Starlink - Glendale Springs

Password: Station16

Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Department

SSID: Starlink - Fleetwood

Password: Fleetwood2024

Todd Volunteer Fire Department

SSID: Starlink - Todd VFD

Password: Todd2024

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